Rakuten, Inc. Interview Moment

Well, hello there! Yah-hoh! Hw are you, Berriers?

I was did great, n everythings always great rightnow, hope you too!
So sorry, it’s too late to tell you guys about this short but an amazing experience.

I’m sure, that you know about Rakuten, Inc. right? You can check it out on their website Rakuten. I was did an interview session there, at Rakuten Singapore office. So if you tell me hw it feelings? Wah! I can’t describe it to you, gue bahkan enggak tau samsek dari awal apa itu Rakuten, just know it’s a commercial company from Japan, but dnno more about Barcelona’s main sponsor hehe till someday someone ask to me that there’s Rakuten initial in Barcelona’s new jersey (lol).

Imagine that I ever be the one of 6 countries (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philiphine, Indonesia, and Nepal) that invited to be the interview participant. Alhamdulillah, walaupun ternyata menjadi salah satu bagian dari Rakuten’s big family belumlah rejeki, ada sedikit hal yang ingin gue bagiin hehe, here you are!

Awal gue tau soal vacancies di Rakuten, Inc gue apply resume by TOP CAREER International www.topcareer.jp hmm in Indonesia we familiar about Jobstreet or JobsId, TOP CAREER International ngebuka vacancies untuk perusahaan-perusahaan besar di dunia, yang mendominasi sih Japan company, yaa harap maklum, domainnya aja “dot jp” hehe. Apply session hampir sama dengan apply di web vacancies pada umumnya, entry data pribadi, pengalaman sekolah, pengalaman kerja, dan lain sebagainya sampe ke gaji yang diharepin juga looooh btw hehe.

Next step, setelah screening CV process kelar, Alhamdulillah, I’m passed! Masuklah ke tahap online test. As I remind that, it’s almost 1 week I ignore the test notification at mail (swear ini keliatan bgt cuma iseng sejak awal -_-) setelah notifikasi kedua muncul di imel guee baru deh gue buka link test nya and follow the instruction, ohya they was used app.codility.com untuk online testnya. Yakkk namanya aja udah ‘codility’ ya jelas testnya juga coding. Bagusnya sih ya, codility hampir mirip dengan penggunaan NetBeans. Bahkan kita bisa pilih mau pake bahasa pemrograman apa, Java/PHP/VB/HTML/lain-lain semuanya ada, sesuai kemampuan kita sih ya. Waktu itu gue pilih PHP karna emg dr awal familiar dengan PHP wqwq.

Tralalala Alhamdulillah ‘Ala Kulli Haal! Ayeyeye gue lolos tahap online test, and they invite me to do interview session di Rakuten Office Singapore. Waktu itu, gue dapet akomodasi dari Rakuten. Uang saku (seriously, ini bisa dipake buat beli iPad air huehue), hotel 2 nights, and flight ticket. Can u imagine that hw lucky I’m huh? Guys, dulu jamannya gue kuliah, matkul English keberapa gitu lupa, ada diajarin oleh Mr. Baitul hw’s the attitude to do interview session.

Knock the door first till the interviewer let you in, and sit when the interviewer let you sit too :)) pls make a good elevator pitch from the start guys! They will feel enjoy to interviewing you when they loved you from the first sigh hehe. Pertanyaan pertama yang bakal diajuin oleh interviewer adalah introduce yourself. Dari beberapa source yang gue baca, hanya ada beberapa hal yang penting yang bisa lu sampein sewaktu intro. Eg:

"Hello, thx u for invite me to attend this great opportunity, lemme introduce myself, my full name is Sri Andri Yanti, but you can call me Sri or Rini, yaa Rini is my lil name, my parents, family, n close friend always called me Rini. I come from Batam, Indonesia, so near from Singapore. I life with my family, I have 2 brothers n 1 sister. I was born in Batam, July 25th 1995, I’m 22nd yo n will be 23rd on this July. I was graduated from Polytechnic Caltex Riau with major information of system engineering, so i was learned about web programming, project management, supply chain management, enterprise resource planning, ect. I had an inship experience at McDermott Indonesia Batam Base from September to December 2016, in QC Department."

Dari yang gue pelajari dari banyak source, saat interviewer ask to intro urself, pls sebisa mungkin lu nyampein data diri lu secara singkat, padat, n exactly clear hehe. For what, Rin? Supaya mereka langsung paham tentang diri lo tanpa ribet :p

Ohya, you shouldnt be a native speaker kok gengs untuk intview sm bule, setidaknya lu paham apa yg ditanya dan paham apa yg harus lu sampaikan sebagai bentuk balasan dari pertanyaan mereka. Kalau misalkan lu ngerasa unclear question, coba deh asking to pardon or just say sorry agar mereka mengulang pertanyaan mereka. Take it easy guys, karena mereka ngak bakalan ngenilai grammar lu kok :’)

Well, setelah sesi menegangkan selama intview, finally! I got the result hehe. Result muncul setelah 3 hari sejak interview, dan taraaaaa rejekinya bukan di Rakuten. It’s not ‘bout working at Rakuten, but ‘bout great intview experience. So guys, cobain aja apply kerjaan di TOP CAREER International kalau lu pengen kerja overseas, take it easy, trusted web vacancies kok, siapa tau bisa ketemu dengan rejekinya kaaan :’) GBU!


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